Title: Corlett - May 2008

Materials:Spectrum glass - Colors – red, blue, grey, green, brown Wood – ponderosa pine with natural stain.

Inspiration: Pay tribute to Tom and Nancy Corlett, their home in Rye and the wildlife around Greenhorn Mountain located in the San Isabel National forest. The mountain stands as 12,347 feet and the highest point of the Wet Mountain range located in Southern Colorado.

Design: The tiles are laid out in a picture design. The immediate foreground is the red window frame and sill. This color will be used on the trim in the Corlett's new house. Next, two black bear cubs look inside through a kitchen window interested in a jar possibly containing honey. The town of Rye and the surrounding area is home to many black bears of which several visit the Corletts on a regular basis. The background is the forest, mountains and the Greenhorn which is topped by white tiles representative of the snow which in a good year remain until July 4th weekend. The background also has a setting sun, blue sky and dark grey thunderclouds which come in every afternoon.