Title: Enzo Table - Feb. 2006

Materials: Spectrum glass
(Colors – Green, Yellow, White, Grey, Black and Blue) Wood – ponderosa pine with natural stain.

Inspiration: Pay tribute to 2005 U.S. National Champion Senior Stallion.

Design: The tiles are laid out in a symbolic design using a code of arms to pay tribute to Enzo in five different ways.

At the bottom are the colors of the Italian Flag. Middle right is a portion from the Enzo Ferrari code of arms and incorporates two actual front shoes uses worn by Enzo at the 2006 Scottsdale Arabian show. Middle left is a replica of Enzo’s 2005 championship ribbon. Top right is his name while top left is the male symbol representing Enzo’s use as a stallion.

All components blend together to pay an overall tribute to 2005 Senior Stallion.