Title: Grand West Arabians Table – October 2007

Materials: Spectrum glass (Colors – Cream, Green, Grey, Purple, Blue)

Inspiration: Pay tribute to Grand West Arabians.


The tiles are laid out in a Landscape design.

The season is fall. Rolling foothills covered in dormant grass turned gold are in the foreground followed by larger hills forested with green pine trees. Next, is a long, horizontal grey rock outcropping then remnants of past, golden rolling hills. Finally, Sheep Mountain and its focal point the sleeping Indian which resembles an Indian chief appear in purple grey due to setting sun and its fading light. Clouds in the shape of Indian ponies lope in the blue sky background.

The overall design is divided in half like a reflection in lake so no matter what side of the table you are sitting you can see the sleeping Indian.

All components blend together to pay an overall tribute to Grand West Arabians, Sheri Graves, Cody, Wyoming and the sleeping Indian landmark