Title: Kellogg Bench - 1/16/05

Materials: 3/4" square glass tessarae
(Colors -hot molten, stem green, pine gold metallic, turquoise metallic, brown sugar and pale olive)
Wood - ponderosa pine with natural stain.

Inspiration: Pay tribute W.K. Kellogg and the Kellogg Arabian Ranch at Cal Poly Pomona

Design: The tiles were laid out in a flow pattern. The flow rolls the horseshoes in a forward rotation from past to current.

Story: The five shoes pay tribute to the 1st importation of Crabbet bred horses with Raseyn, the 2nd importation with Rissletta, their get, Fersyn and Abu Farwa, respectively and a current member of the Kellogg herd, KH Fastlane.