Title: Rancho Valle Del Sol Bench - 1/25/05
Materials: 1/2" square Spectrum glass
(Colors - Tan, Dark Amber, lime green, opal green, light blue, Medium Blue
Wood - ponderosa pine with natural stain.
Inspiration: Pay tribute to noted Arabian breeder and trainer, Laura Cronk and five famous horses that did or are residing at Rancho Valle del Sol in Bonsail, Califronia.
Design: The tiles are laid out in a landscape pattern. There are two design components.
Names were engraved on actual horseshoes that belonged to Khemosabi ++++, Desert Heat VF, Alada Baskin I, Baskchemo and Backstreet. Two on each side are bowing to the middle horseshoe belonging to the only Legion of Master Champion, Khemosabi.
The ranch is surrounded by low, rolling mountains with rows and rows of avocado groves, and is almost always under a deep blue sky. The background elements are the brown earth, green mountains and blue sky.
All components blend together to pay an overall tribute to Laura Cronk, the horses and the ranch.