Title: Rancho Valle Del Sol Table - March 12, 2006
Materials:Spectrum glass
(Colors Ð Blue, Red, Black White and Opalescent)
Wood Ð ponderosa pine with natural stain.
Inspiration:Pay tribute to Mary; her favorite horses; and her ranch, Rancho Valle del Sol.
Design:The tiles are laid out in a symbolic design made up of two components.
The primary component is the center ÒbraceletÓ which has five horseshoes attached to it and represents MaryÕs favorite horses. Each of their names (Nacoma, Minima, Porcelain, April and Sir Victor) is engraved on the shoes. The red jewels are mares while the one black is her stallion. In addition, the initials of the ranch, R.V.D.S are also hanging from the bracelet. The letters are done in a Zuni Indian style.
The secondary component is the frame or border that was copied after Navajo Mountain pattern. The corners use Navajo cross.
All components blend together to pay an overall tribute to Mary and her ranch, where horses and people are always welcome and treated well.