Title: Varian Bench - 4/23/05

Materials:3/8" square Spectrum glass
(Colors - light amber, dark amber, gray, yellow, purple and green)
Wood - ponderosa pine with natural stain.

Inspiration: Pay tribute to Cowgirl Hall of Fame inductee Sheila Varian, her Vaquero training method, her breeding stallions and the Varian Arabian Ranch.

Design: The tiles are laid out in a symbolic pattern. There are four components.
Names were engraved on replica horseshoes that were based on the actual shoe of each stallion. They roll in a forward rotation, which is representative of their true historical order (Bay Abi, Bay El Bey, Huckleberry Bey, Desperado V and Bravado Bey V)
The rope or reata makes three separate circles around the shoes to symbolize Lady Sheila's confirmation philosophy of looking for three circles when checking the overall confirmation of the horse's body. All of the stallions met this standard.
The rope or ariat also attests to Ms. Sheila's preferred method of horse training, the Vaquero style.
The flags and poles, which are located in the center of the property, represent the Varian Arabian Ranch.
All components blend together to pay an overall tribute to Sheila Varian.